
How are you caring for yourself?

Looking for a skilled and empathetic listener?

I am a Registered Counselling Therapist and a Canadian Certified Counsellor.

On March 24th 2020, the Chief Medical Officer mandated that all private practise health care clinicians (except medical doctors, nurses or paramedics) conduct client contact on-line or via telephone, except in emergency cases. I continue to connect with clients and to fine-tune my digital therapeutic approach. Currently, I am retraining in virtual EMDR to allow continued treatment for clients requiring EMDR therapy. Booking can be made on-line or request via email. Please note that all payments are e-transfers at this time.

I am located at Inner Ocean Healing Centre Mondays to Fridays.  The clinic is located at the Halifax Professional Centre, 5991 Spring Garden Road, Suite 635.

To book an initial appointment:

  • Call Kelsey (reception) at 423-1935

  • Email me: heathermacmillan.rct@gmail.com or call my cell: (902) 220-0146

  • If you are already a client, you may book directly on-line. See the menu above “book an appointment” or access booking on the Inner Ocean webpage: innerocean.ca

“We are relational creatures. We barely exist as individuals…”  Bessel van der Kolk