Enhance Your
Natural Beauty

With Experts in Facial Cosmetic Surgery and Non-Surgical Treatments

Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation
Starts Here, With Us

We are a fully accredited non-hospital surgical facility in Edmonton. Our services are your passport to a revitalized, radiant appearance. We believe in enhancing your natural beauty and restoring your confidence. Whether you’re looking to smooth away wrinkles, achieve a youthful glow, or refine your features, our expert team is here to guide you on your journey. With our proven techniques and personalized approach, you can look forward to a refreshed and more vibrant you.

Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Edmonton1
Service Category

Offering a full spectrum of beauty enhancements

Board Certified Surgeons
Expert Medical Professionals

Dr. John Keohane

Facial Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery, FRCSC

Dr. Andrew Morrissey

Dr. Andrew Morrissey

Facial Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery, FRCSC

Dr. Raiyan Chowdhury

Medical Director, Otolaryngology FRCSC, Critical Care Medicine FRCPC

See what hundreds of customers are saying about us

We are accredited by The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta to provide outstanding patient care. Read their journeys and see why our patients trust us with their care. 

Facial transformation begins with a simple conversation

Ready to meet your aesthetic goals? Learn how our range of treatments, from facial surgery to minimally invasive cosmetic facial procedures, can be your pathway there. Book a consultation today.

Before and After Gallery

We offer transformative results from our treatments.

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Frequently asked

The recovery period after a rhinoplasty typically involves 1 to 2 weeks off from work or school. Swelling and bruising around the eyes are common, peaking within the first 48 hours and gradually subsiding over the following weeks. A nasal splint is usually worn for the first week to support the new shape of the nose. Strenuous activities should be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks to prevent nosebleeds or swelling. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions for the best healing and outcome. Final results may take up to a year to fully refine as the swelling subsides and the tissues settle.

During a rhinoplasty consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your nasal structure, skin quality, and facial balance. You’ll discuss your aesthetic and functional goals for the surgery. The surgeon may use imaging software to simulate potential outcomes, helping you visualize possible changes. This is an opportunity to address any concerns and understand the realistic outcomes of the procedure. The consultation is crucial for establishing a clear communication channel between you and your surgeon, ensuring that your expectations are aligned with what can be surgically achieved.

Recovery from a facelift involves a period of rest and limited activity to allow the body to heal. Swelling and bruising are common but will gradually subside over the first few weeks. Most patients can return to normal activities within 2 to 3 weeks, although complete healing and final results may take up to several months. It’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, which may include caring for incisions, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments. The initial discomfort can be managed with prescribed medications, and many patients find the recovery process manageable with these guidelines.

Ideal candidates for a facelift are individuals who wish to address signs of aging in the lower face and neck, such as sagging skin, deep folds, and loss of muscle tone. Typically, candidates are in their 40s to 70s, with skin that still retains some elasticity. Good candidates are in overall good health, do not smoke, and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of surgery. A facelift can rejuvenate the appearance by restoring a more youthful contour to the face and neck, but it’s important to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine if this procedure aligns with your aesthetic goals and medical history.

Recovery from eyelid surgery involves some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with cold compresses and medication. Most patients feel comfortable returning to work and social activities within 7 to 10 days, although complete healing and final results may take several weeks. Strenuous activities should be avoided for at least 2 to 3 weeks. Patients are advised to follow their surgeon’s post-operative care instructions closely, including protecting the eyes from sunlight and avoiding activities that could strain the eyes, to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.